Energetic Cord Cutting

We humans not only interact visually and verbally, but also energetically through our auric fields and exchange energy through invisible energetic cords or tentacles of energy. When relationships are healthy the cords are quite even . But, if there is unhealthy toxicity in relationships these cords are intertwined. Relationships become damaging and draining to each other’s energy . These happen at an unconscious level and most of the time one is not even aware.

When cord cutting session is performed, only damaging and negative cords are dissolved in a relationship and thus bringing healthy ,positive, loving energy in exchange.

Same holds true for any fear, past traumas ,events etc. Which blocks us in moving forward .

Many people have experienced feeling light , relieved and free after a session.  Their relationships have improved. Toxic people automatically move away. Attracting only the right people.

Distance Healing: All services are offered distantly too with the same affect and result as in person.